Friday, February 13, 2009

Levi's had a birthday party...


Yep. I'm pretty sure I get the "Worst Mother Ever" award for this one, folks. Levi just had his first birthday party ever. And it's 5 months after he turned 2. Yikes!

We had a great time. It was quite impromptu, so we kept it very small. Levi loved having both sets of grandparents over, and his Auntie Kayla. {Yay for airplanes that enable "quick trips" for grandmas missing their grand kids!}

I think his favorite part of the whole thing was getting the balloons...

and his favorite present was stickers, for sure!

This is Levi enjoying the miracle cake! It's wasn't too much to look at, as I was missing a number of ingredients, and couldn't find my decorating supplies to save my life. {Note to self: Never try to throw a "party" on a Sunday if it's not pre-planned and you know in advance that you have everything you need to make it flow, lol.} However, it tasted downright yummy and it matched the balloons and table decorations, so I...errr, I mean...Levi was happy. {I tried to tell Joe-Z that it totally mattered to Levi...he just couldn't bring himself to agree with me...}

Happy Birthday Levi! We love you so much!


Olivia said...

:) It does matter! Anjali is still talking about her last party, and in April she turns three! Lucky Levi won't have to wait so long until his next one!

Jared said...

Better late then never! Great Pictures!

Andie said...

GREAT pictures! Are you dabbling in photoshop? They look awesome.

MA said...

so fun! i love the black and white pic with levi in color- awesome!

Kristen said...

Love the pictures and the cake! Happy Belated Birthday Levi!