I know many of you are wondering what ever happened with Savannah's condition. I guess I kind of decided to stop blogging at a suspenseful time in our lives. Sorry about that, lol.
In short, she's great. A-ok. Super duper. She's perfect, in fact.
Her test results came back (albeit weeks later than they had estimated) 100% clean. Everyone was completely surprised, doctors included. We had prepared ourselves for every outcome under the sun, except for that. We felt blessed beyond measure and we have a sure knowledge that miracles do happen. About every other month or so, her left breast still swells up, but within a couple of weeks it returns to normal. It doesn't bother her (it never did before either) and aside from that, she has no other symptoms. We were supposed to go back for more testing, but we've never felt the need.
One thing is for certain, we love her to pieces. She has been such a joy in our lives in just the year she's been with us and we can't wait to see what the future has in store for this sweet girl.